#37 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Tuesday, 28 February 2017 23:54 EET

Robyn Lingen
I am wondering, does Route66 use smart smart search in some way? I am not suing smart search for my website, but the smart search is loaded.

I am having performance issues with my website in that every 20 minutes, the site consumes all the CPUs on my server. I have three times increased the cores on my server and each time the site consumes all cores every 20 minutes. I'm up to full use of 13 cores every 20 minutes for about 1 minute and then it drops down to normal. During that time, my site produces 503 errors.

My finder terms table has 96,000 entries.

Is there a cron task that runs from Route66?

If I uninstall Route 66 these tables empty and they site runs faster, using less than 3 cores.

I am wondering if you can help me determine it Route 66 could be contributing to this issue.

Thanks so much!

Lefteris Kavadas

Route 66 has absolutely nothing to do with Smart Search.

Here is what you can do to disable Smart Search in your site:

1. Navigate to plugin manager, find plugin named "Content - Smart Search" and disable it.

2. Find all the plugins of group finder and disable them also.

3. Navigate to "Components" -> "Smart Search" and then click on the " Clear Index" button.

Let me know if that works for you or the issue persists.

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