#41 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Sunday, 26 March 2017 15:22 EEST

Randall Bobowiec
 First, posted ticket#40 and resolved issue by updating Joomla version. Now Joomla 3.6.5.

1) In K2 plugin using Item Url pattern = {categoryAlias}/{itemAlias}. When using text hyperlinks contained in content, URL for those items displays "?task=" after item alias followed again by item alias except first and second word in alias separated by ":" instead of "-".
Like this: https://canadianlodges.com/manitoba-fishing-lodges/north-haven-resort?task=north:haven-resort
Should be: https://canadianlodges.com/manitoba-fishing-lodges/north-haven-resort

{category/Alias} token seems to be causing this because without that token, item alias displays properly in URL without category
Like this: https://canadianlodges.com/north-haven-resort.
In Global Config I have both 'Search Engine Friendly URLs' and 'Use URL Rewriting' ticked to YES. Is this correct?

2) Need instruction on how to create sitemap. I choose 'Sitemaps' from component menu then fill-in 'Title' and click save. When I open the sitemap. all I see are 4 URL's like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<sitemapindex xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">

Lefteris Kavadas

Regarding your questions:

1. How are those links generated in your site? Are core K2 links or links generated by a third-party extension which integrates with K2? K2 is not adding the task variable when it generates item links, so it shouldn't be there. A link to a page generating those links would be very helpful.

2. This is sitemap index. A sitemap index can contain several sitemaps. In your case there are three sitemaps for K2 ( each one containing 500 items ) and one sitemap for your menu items. All you have to do is submit the sitemap index to Google ( or any other search engine ) and you are ready. You don't have to submit each sitemap, Google will read the index and will crawl all the sitemaps.

Randall Bobowiec
Thank you for your prompt response.

1. Links are created in K2 items in JCE editor in normal way - highlight text, use link icon, link appropriate K2 item to selected text. Does this answer your question? Go to: https://canadianlodges.com/ontario-1 click any lodge name in the list and check URL. I included credentials in a previous ticket if you need them. Private ticket #40.

2. I apologize for my lack of knowledge as a beginner, but I am used to seeing sitemaps in a distinct file format (sitemap.xml). I know how to view and upload such a file to Google. I am not familiar with sitemap index. Thus I do not know how to view the individual sitemaps for review or how to access the sitemap index as a file that I can upload. Is there a tutorial or documentation on this subject you could direct me to so I would not have to trouble you to explain?

Also in Route 66 documentation there is no explanation of the 'Route 66-menus plugin'. I do not know its proper use or function.

Thank you for your help and patience.

Lefteris Kavadas
There is no need to apologize for anything. I am glad to help.

Just installed the latest JCE along with JCE K2 plugin from https://github.com/getk2/k2-links-for-jce and the links are working fine on my tests. Can you please try to update a couple of the links and see if that works? If not let me know so i can have a look at your setup.

Regarding the sitemap index, it's the exact same process as it would be with a single sitemap. Just copy the sitemap index URL from Route 66 administration area and paste it in the corresponding field in Google Webmaster tools ( there is a button there named "Add/Test Sitemap ") .
We do not have any documentation on this, but you can always refer to the Google documentation at https://support.google.com/webmasters/topic/4581190 .

Finally, the menu plugin is used to generate the sitemap links for menus. You don't need to mess with it, just make sure it is published.

Let me know if you need more help.

Randall Bobowiec
Installed latest JCE and JCE K2 plugin as you suggested. Same issue persists. Did not update K2 version - still K2 v2.6.8. I get nervous when installing updates because so many people have stated update problems when I visit various forums. I could try updating K2 if you think that might help. Also are there any params in K2, JCE editor, or JCE K2 plugin that might be set incorrectly? For example in JCE Global have option for Doctype HTML4 or HTML5. Tried both and still same issue. Reverted back to HTML4 since that was the default setting on download. If you can access my credentials from Private ticket #40, feel free to check my site. Joomla 3.6.5

Thanks again.

Randall Bobowiec
I checked "yes" for 'Enable advanced SEF for K2 URLs' in K2 Global Config. This solved the problem, but there is a warning in the documentation of that param that states "Enabling this option will add a significant performance hit for websites with more than a few hundred K2 items in them. Use with caution". I have 1000 K2 items. Is this a concern? Would caching take care of any performance problems? Is there a better way to solve the issue I am having so not to suffer performance?

Lefteris Kavadas
I don't think that K2 is causing this.

Regarding K2 advanced SEF option, no it will not affect your site performance that much. I guess that you will not even notice any difference.

However i will take a look at your setup again and check what might be wrong with Route 66 redirects.

Lefteris Kavadas
Just checked the K2 codebase and probably this has to do with your K2 version.

The K2 version that you are using (2.6.8) was released on March 2nd 2014.

We have made some changes to the router since then: https://github.com/getk2/k2/commits/master/components/com_k2/router.php

Since it is working now that you have enabled K2 advanced SEF you can keep your current K2 version and not update.

Let me know if you need anything else.

Randall Bobowiec
Thank you Lefteris,

I truly appreciate all of your help. Your support is excellent! Great extension!

Lefteris Kavadas
Thank you for your kind words and your valuable feedback.

Finally, since you like the extension, it would be great if you rate it at the Joomla! extensions directory page at https://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/extension/site-management/sef/route-66-pro/ .

I will close this ticket now. Feel free to create a new one if you need anything else.

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