#470 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Friday, 18 October 2019 11:34 EEST

Peter Kjeldsen
 Dear sirs
I have subscribed me yesteday and I do not understand URL pattern for hikashop and all others.

If I enable Google page speed my slides do no not show and in the front page it tells me to activate Javecript??

The Route 66 Google PageSpeed system plugin is disabled. If you plan to use Route 66 for Google PageSpeed optimizations you have to enable this plugin at the plugin manager.

Hope you can help.


Lefteris Kavadas

The URL patterns give you the flexibility to make your site URLs look exactly how you wish. For example, you might want to make all your product URLs use just the product alias:

In order to do something like this in Joomla you need to create a menu link for each product. With Route 66 you don't have to do this. This is really helpful when you have a lot of products.
Using Route 66 you can also include other product data to your URLs not just the product alias. For example you can add the manufacturer to the product URL:

In general, each of the available tokens that you find in the documentation for use in URL patterns are actually data from your products injected into the URLs.

Keep in mind that you might not want to use the Route 66 URLs feature. If your site URLs are already optimised, changing them might cause harm to your site SEO ranking.

Regarding the Google PageSpeed issue, please create a new private ticket and include administrator credentials so I can have a look.


Peter Kjeldsen
Hi Lefteris
I am not sure what you mean?
Should I copy the url from browser into the alias of the product?
If I am on a product page, I copy URL and put it into the Alias in the same product?
Best regards

Lefteris Kavadas

No, you do not need to copy the URL. What I mean is that the data from your backend like the product alias or the product code (SKU) can be used in the product URLs when you use Route 66. But as I said, it's not necessary to change your product URLs if you are happy with them. I hope this is clear now. If not, let me know so I can provide a detailed example.


Peter Kjeldsen
Hi Lefteris
But my URL is empty, I never put anything there?
I was searching google and it looks like I need to put Canonical URL??

Lefteris Kavadas
Can you clarify? Which URL is empty? When you edit a product in Hikashop there is a field named "Alias" under the "SEO" panel. What you type here is what is used in the product URL. Route 66 can read this and other data from the product (like the "Product code" field) and generate completely custom URLs.
Canonicals are also created automatically when Route 66 is enabled.

I hope that this is more clear now. If not please let me know.


Peter Kjeldsen
Dear Lefteris
You should make some videos and put on your site explaining and showing examples.
To be honest I do not understand any of this.
Normal I always find out how to do things, but this time no:-(
The URL in your plugin "category and product has to be filled. I have tried with this , but no success. Like this. "https://www.nordicdental.dk/index.php/da/product-alias"
The canonical URL is empty in all my products, I have only alias.
Best regards

Lefteris Kavadas
In the Route 66 plugin you define the URL patterns. You don't need to type a specific URL.
The patterns are described in detail in the documentation page: https://www.firecoders.com/documentation/route-66#url-patterns
Here are some examples:

Whatever you see enclosed in curly brackets is a variable that will get populated by product data. For example using the last pattern from those above, the URL of the product with ID 7 would become:

I hope this helps.


Peter Kjeldsen
I give up, sorry...I tried all afternoon yesterday.
Maybe I am stupid, I tried 100 different ways to do the URL
Best regards

Lefteris Kavadas
Please let me know how you want your URLs to be like and then just create a new private ticket and I will setup this for you.


Peter Kjeldsen
Dear Lefteris
If I new how it is going to look like I would do it myself. I do not know how it is going to look like.
100 different ways.
Eveory time it stored correct the breadcrumb was a mess. The breadcrumb was showing things who were not together. Like one category and a product link to another product group.
Just make some samples who work and I can change them later.
I just to see how it looks like.
I make a new private ticket.

Lefteris Kavadas
This is something that an SEO expert should tell you. Route 66 is a tool to help you implement custom URLs in Joomla. How they should be is something that requires SEO research.
I just checked your product pages URLs. I think that they are fine. Since this is not a new site I wouldn't recommend to change them.

In case you decide to change the URLs, here is an example of how Route 66 can change the product URL from:




All you have to do is set the Product URL pattern to :

I hope that this more clear now.


Peter Kjeldsen
Dear Lefteris
When I put {productAlias} in URL plattern my breadscrump and page view change total.
The breadscrump do not fit anymore.
If I cannot make it work, I will need to uninstall it again, it makes more mess than good things.
Maybe I should use only Xmap like before?
Best regards

Peter Kjeldsen
This is with url pattern ((Du er her: Forside Kurv Q71B Hatmed B Autoklave Stål 23 l))

This is without URL patteren and this is correct breadcrumb
((Du er her: Forside Hatmed Dental B-autoklaver Luftkølet B Autoklaver 18-23 liter. Q71B Hatmed B Autoklave Stål 23 l))

Also the product page change view with URL pattern.

Lefteris Kavadas
If you just need the sitemaps functionality you can leave the URL patterns empty and you are ready. Or you can use Xmap if you prefer.
If you want to change the product URLs using Route 66 please provide FTP access to your server so I can troubleshoot this breadcrumbs issue. Remember to use a private ticket.


Peter Kjeldsen
Dear Lefteris
I just want google to be able to crawl with your site map. Thats why I installed your product. But it seams more complicated then Xmap?
It dosn not crawl now and google search console says 398 server 5xx fails.
One.com says it is because google cannot crawl my page??
I do not know what to do about this. It was working with Xmap.
I send you a private.

Lefteris Kavadas
You are totally right. There was an issue in the sitemap generation with the latest versions of Hikashop. It should be working fine now. If not please let me know.

I have also disabled the URL patterns until we fix the breadcrumbs issue. The next update of Route 66 should fix all compatibility issues with Hikashop.

Thank you very much for the great feedback you have provided.


Peter Kjeldsen
Dear Lefteris
I think it is working now. It went from 399 fails to 0 fails.
Then today this morning in all known sites 79 fails. All is like this but different URL. The category and product do not fit and it give a 404 fail?

If I change from all known sites to component/route66sitemapindex/4?format=xml (the site map now) then it says 0 fail? This is good I think?

I think you have my login in a secret if you need it.

I think Google search Console are slow making the check up. It is like I need to wait days for Google Search to valuate


Lefteris Kavadas

Since it says 0 fails for the specific sitemap you should be fine. Search console needs some time indeed. Give it a couple of days and then check the coverage of the specific sitemap again.
Let me know if you need anything else.


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