#471 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Thursday, 26 September 2019 11:04 EEST

Peter Kjeldsen
Do you recomend to make one sitemap for each one or one sitemap for all?

Best regards

 Title: This is a title used for your own convenience. Just a give title of your choice.
Published: Choose whether this sitemap is published or not. Make sure this is set to "Yes" before submitting the sitemap to search engines.
Include Images: Include images in the sitemap ( where applicable ) using the Google image extension for sitemaps.
Include Videos: Include videos in the sitemap ( where applicable ) using the Google video extension for sitemaps.
Joomla! Articles: Choose if you would like to include Joomla! articles in this sitemap and filter them based on categories.
Menu Items: Choose if you would like to include Joomla! menu items in this sitemap and filter them based on menu type.
K2 Items ( Route 66 PRO only ): Choose if you would like to include K2 items in this sitemap and filter them based on categories.
Virtuemart Products ( Route 66 PRO only ): Choose if you would like to include Virtuemart products in this sitemap and filter them based on categories.
Hikashop Products ( Route 66 PRO only ): Choose if you would like to include Hikashop products in this sitemap and filter them based on categories.

Lefteris Kavadas

Create one sitemap and you should be fine. Make sure to include in the sitemap the menus and the categories that are important for your site content. Probably you need to select the main menu of your site and the categories that include your site content.

Route 66 generates automatically a sitemap index which is actually a sitemap pointing to multiple sitemaps. Google can read this with no issues. All you have to do it provide the generated URL of the sitemap to Google Search Console.


Peter Kjeldsen
Ok, I added a sitemap with succes in search Console:-)
Thank you very much.
Best regards

Lefteris Kavadas
You are welcome.

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