Do you recomend to make one sitemap for each one or one sitemap for all?
Best regards
Title: This is a title used for your own convenience. Just a give title of your choice.
Published: Choose whether this sitemap is published or not. Make sure this is set to "Yes" before submitting the sitemap to search engines.
Include Images: Include images in the sitemap ( where applicable ) using the Google image extension for sitemaps.
Include Videos: Include videos in the sitemap ( where applicable ) using the Google video extension for sitemaps.
Joomla! Articles: Choose if you would like to include Joomla! articles in this sitemap and filter them based on categories.
Menu Items: Choose if you would like to include Joomla! menu items in this sitemap and filter them based on menu type.
K2 Items ( Route 66 PRO only ): Choose if you would like to include K2 items in this sitemap and filter them based on categories.
Virtuemart Products ( Route 66 PRO only ): Choose if you would like to include Virtuemart products in this sitemap and filter them based on categories.
Hikashop Products ( Route 66 PRO only ): Choose if you would like to include Hikashop products in this sitemap and filter them based on categories.
Best regards
Title: This is a title used for your own convenience. Just a give title of your choice.
Published: Choose whether this sitemap is published or not. Make sure this is set to "Yes" before submitting the sitemap to search engines.
Include Images: Include images in the sitemap ( where applicable ) using the Google image extension for sitemaps.
Include Videos: Include videos in the sitemap ( where applicable ) using the Google video extension for sitemaps.
Joomla! Articles: Choose if you would like to include Joomla! articles in this sitemap and filter them based on categories.
Menu Items: Choose if you would like to include Joomla! menu items in this sitemap and filter them based on menu type.
K2 Items ( Route 66 PRO only ): Choose if you would like to include K2 items in this sitemap and filter them based on categories.
Virtuemart Products ( Route 66 PRO only ): Choose if you would like to include Virtuemart products in this sitemap and filter them based on categories.
Hikashop Products ( Route 66 PRO only ): Choose if you would like to include Hikashop products in this sitemap and filter them based on categories.