#487 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Thursday, 01 October 2020 14:18 EEST

Elias Ramos
I just bought Route 66 to use on my Joomla site with EasyBlog.
I bought it from the extension page (https://www.firecoders.com/joomla-extensions/route-66) that "SEO Content Analysis Powered by Yoast" has EasyBlog compatibility. But do not have! = (
By installing the extension on my site and creating a new EasyBlog post, there is no integration at all.
When searching the documentation, there is also no quote to EasyBlog (https://www.firecoders.com/documentation/route-66#supported-extensions).
I am disappointed, because I bought the extension to use exclusively with EasyBlog and for being described on your page that there is integration yes.
As I will not make use of the extension, I would like to request a reversal of my purchase.

Acabei de comprar o Route 66 para utilizar em meu site Joomla com EasyBlog.
Comprei ao ver na página da extensão (https://www.firecoders.com/joomla-extensions/route-66) que o "SEO Content Analysis Powered by Yoast" possuí compatibilidade com EasyBlog. Mas não tem! =(
Ao instalar a extensão no meu site e criar uma nova publicação no EasyBlog, não há integração alguma.
Ao buscar na documentação, também não há nenhuma citação ao EasyBlog (https://www.firecoders.com/documentation/route-66#supported-extensions).
Estou decepcionado, pois comprei a extensão para utilizar exclusivamente com EasyBlog e por estar descrito na página de vocês que há integração sim.
Como não farei uso da extensão, gostaria de solicitar o estorno da minha compra.

Lefteris Kavadas

Route 66 SEO analysis works with any page in your site, including those built with EasyBlog. Just navigate to "Components" -> "Route 66" -> "SEO Analysis" and enter the URL of the page you wish to analyze.
I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have more questions.


Elias Ramos

This was not the kind of function I expected.
I would like this SEO tab to be available while creating an EasyBlog publication.
The way it operates is irrelevant, after all users who update the site with content would have to go to "/ administrator" and manually add the URL of the post made in EasyBlog for a review.
In the EasyBlog Editor itself there is a tab for SEO. Could you incorporate Route 66 diagnostics in this tab?


Não era este tipo de função que eu esperava.
Gostaria que esta ABA de SEO estivesse disponível durante a criação de uma publicação do EasyBlog.
Do modo que opera é irrelevante, afinal os usuários que atualizam o site com conteúdo teriam que acessar o "/administrator" e adicionar manualmente a URL da publicação feita no EasyBlog para ter uma análise.
No próprio Editor do EasyBlog existe uma aba para SEO. Vocês poderiam incorporar o diagnóstico do Route 66 nesta aba?

Lefteris Kavadas
As far as I know EasyBlog does not provide a way to add this to backend. I will check in detail and if that's possible we will try to implement it.


Elias Ramos

Right. In this case what I had in mind was the use of the information "SEO Content Analysis Powered by Yoast"..

..EasyBlog editor's own SEO tab (this EasyBlog editor working on FrondEnd and BackEnd)

If it really isn't possible, then I would like to request a refund for the extension as it will not be helpful for how you imagine the function.

Certo. No caso o que tinha em mente era o uso das informações "SEO Content Analysis Powered by Yoast"..

..na aba de SEO do próprio editor do EasyBlog (esse editor do EasyBlog funcionando no FrondEnd e no BackEnd)

Caso realmente não seja possível, então gostaria de solicitar o reembolso da extensão, pois não será útil para a forma como você imagina que a função

Lefteris Kavadas
In compliance with the European law for non tangible goods, we do not issue any refunds. It is clearly stated in our terms of service.
Regarding the EasyBlog, we need to check in detail if this can be implemented. Even if it is possible it will take some time.
Otherwise we can give you a subscription for one of our other extensions for free.


Elias Ramos
Ok, I get it. In this case I have no interest in the other extensions.

I would really like your improved SEO on EasyBlog

I am disappointed with the result. Apparently I will have to assume the same damage = (

Anyway, thanks for the support

Certo, entendi. No caso não tenho interesse nas outras extensões.

Gostaria mesmo do SEO aprimorado de vocês no EasyBlog

Estou decepcionado com resultado. Pelo visto terei de que assumir o prejuizo mesmo =(

De qualquer forma, obrigado pelo suporte

Lefteris Kavadas
We are really sorry about this.
You can always use the SEO analysis for any page in your site by navigating to "Components" -> "Route 66" -> "SEO Analysis".
Since you are not interested in any other extension, we will try to build a more tight integration with EasyBlog (right into the editing form just like in Joomla articles).


Elias Ramos
OK. Thanks

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Elias,

Upcoming version 1.8.0 of Route 66 brings basic integration of the Yoast SEO analysis tool right into the EasyBlog form. It can be found under the SEO tab of EasyBlog as long as it is enabled.
Note that this feature is experimental.


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