#519 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Wednesday, 05 February 2020 12:22 EET

Odin Mayland
 This is the url path we need to mimmic: https://empirearbitration.com/practices-for-sale/medical-practices/760-cosmetic-surgery-practice-for-sale-denver-colorado

I set up this pattern: {categoryPath}/{articleId}-{articleAlias}

But it converts the URLs to https://empirearbitration.com/-

So it appears that the dash - is the problem.

How do I mimic the default SEF url pattern?

Lefteris Kavadas

If you just want to use the default URLs of Joomla then just leave empty the URL patterns in Route 66. There is no point having Route 66 generate the exact same link that is generated by the core system.

Just tested the pattern you are using and it works fine for me. Can you please provide more information about your setup? Do you face issues in other patterns also?


Odin Mayland
Thank you for the reply.

I have cleaned up the site and now the pattern works as desired.

Lefteris Kavadas
You are welcome.

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