#522 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Monday, 10 February 2020 18:53 EET

Hi there,

Thanks again for your response.

Excluding Quix from rewrite worked and it's loading correctly now.

I'm still don't quite understand how

By adding the world articles in front of the pattern
>> articles/{articleAlias}

it will make other articles under different menu items to all appear under /articles right?

Articles of the same structure >>http://exmaple.com/[MENU ALIAS] / [CATEGORY ALIAS] / [CATEGORY ALIAS] / [ARTICLE ALIAS]

will become come the following correct? (how does route-66 handle url collisions?)

is there a way to keep the menu structure while removing the category names in the URL such as:

Can you also explain how "Add suffix to menu links" function is intended to be used? I can't find any documentation nor any example of using this functions.



You can just add the word articles to your pattern:

articles/{articleAlias} and you are done .

Regarding the page builder just navigate to Route 66 options and exclude the specific component from redirects and JavaScript optimizations.

If you need more help you are kindly requested to create a ticket in our help desk.



Thank you for the quick response.

I've downloaded and and tested it and worked like what you have described :)

However I found a couple of problems:

1. Using Article URL pattern: {articleAlias}

Original URL structure explained is as follows, I have a menu called "articles" which is display a [CATEGORY BLOG]


>>http://exmaple.com/[MENU ALIAS: articles] / [CATEGORY ALIAS: 20] / [CATEGORY ALIAS: 01] / [ARTICLE ALIAS: test-article]

After applied Article URL pattern: {articleAlias} , the URL become:

>> http://exmaple.com/test-article

the category name /20/01 disappeared as expected

however the menu "articles" was also disappeared, which was not what I expected.

Is this the intended behaviour?

2. After route-66 is installed (and both plugins moved to the bottoms of the list as instructed),

it seems to cause some conflicts with Themexpert's Quix page builder.

Basically a Quix page won't open up in edit mode, and just hang at the loading page (initializing builder page, see attached)

Any idea what's causing it?

Many thanks



Lefteris Kavadas

A URL pattern in Route 66 has nothing to do with the menu. If you put the word "articles" in the URL pattern it will get applied to all articles. If you want to keep the category in the URL just include the categoryAlias token in your pattern. But this will add the article's category alias not the parent's category alias. So what you want to do cannot be done without reorganising your site's content.

Route 66 cannot handle collisions, it will just serve the first matching resource.

Finally, the suffix functionality appends a custom string in the existing menu items.


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