#525 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Shane McMenamin on Friday, 28 February 2020 23:40 EET

Shane McMenamin
 Hi... I purchased your extension today. One issue I have is the K2 tag pages now have two canonical links. The tags are set assigned to menu items.

Hope you can advise.


Lefteris Kavadas

Are you using any other extension for canonical links? If not please create a new private ticket and include administrator credentials so I can have a look. If both are pointing to the same URL there is no need to worry.


Shane McMenamin
Update - issue is with K2 Component. I'll update this once I discover the fix.

Shane McMenamin
This issue is fixed now. A K2 'dev' version had a fix in it, so presumably it'll also be included in their normal release soon.

Thanks to the Fire Coders support for their help. The extension is doing exactly what I needed for setting the Canonical URLs across the site.

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