#530 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Monday, 02 March 2020 23:34 EET

Brendan Hedges
I wonder if there is a solution to this problem.

For some reason Route 66 has stopped working, it used to work as I have SEO scores for pages already. But, when I visit that article page in admin, although the SEO tab is there, it will no longer generate the list of recommendations or show a SEO result.

In console there is a JS error:

Route66Seo.addEvents = function() {
this.$keywordField.on('change', $.proxy(this.analyze, this));
this.$titleField.on('change', $.proxy(this.analyze, this));
if (this.$pageTitleField) {
this.$pageTitleField.on('change', $.proxy(this.analyze, this));
this.$aliasField.on('change', $.proxy(this.analyze, this));
this.$descriptionField.on('change', $.proxy(this.analyze, this));
if (this.options.editor === 'tinymce') {
this.editor.on('change', $.proxy(this.analyze, this));
} else if (this.options.editor === 'jce') {
this.editor.onChange.add($.proxy(this.analyze, this));
} else {
this.$contentField.on('change', $.proxy(this.analyze, this));

Which is referenced:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'on' of null
at Object.Route66Seo.addEvents (route66seo.js?1.7.1:122)
at Object.Route66Seo.start (route66seo.js?1.7.1:107)
at route66seo.js?1.7.1:327
Route66Seo.addEvents @ route66seo.js?1.7.1:122
Route66Seo.start @ route66seo.js?1.7.1:107
(anonymous) @ route66seo.js?1.7.1:327
setTimeout (async)
(anonymous) @ route66seo.js?1.7.1:326
dispatch @ jquery.min.js?b65655661d1152710d1572570f8e8b52:2
v.handle @ jquery.min.js?b65655661d1152710d1572570f8e8b52:2
load (async)
add @ jquery.min.js?b65655661d1152710d1572570f8e8b52:2
a.event.add @ jquery-migrate.min.js?b65655661d1152710d1572570f8e8b52:2
(anonymous) @ jquery.min.js?b65655661d1152710d1572570f8e8b52:2
each @ jquery.min.js?b65655661d1152710d1572570f8e8b52:2
each @ jquery.min.js?b65655661d1152710d1572570f8e8b52:2
xe @ jquery.min.js?b65655661d1152710d1572570f8e8b52:2
on @ jquery.min.js?b65655661d1152710d1572570f8e8b52:2
bind @ jquery.min.js?b65655661d1152710d1572570f8e8b52:2
a.fn.<computed> @ jquery-migrate.min.js?b65655661d1152710d1572570f8e8b52:2
(anonymous) @ route66seo.js?1.7.1:324

I currently have the site on localhost, if this makes a difference?

The problems occur on pages that are being created with page builder ck from joomlack.fr On the standard Joomla Article pages Route 66 seems to be working as normal still.
To clarify, Route66 used to work fine with Page builder ck, as I have SEO scores from these articles already.

I hope you have an idea on how to rectify this problem.

Regards, Brendan

Lefteris Kavadas

Do you get any other errors on the console? Which editor is the specific extension using? Route 66 only works with TinyMCE and JCE.


Brendan Hedges
Hi Lefteris,

No more errors only those as above. I am using TinyMCE as an editor.

Regards, Brendan

Lefteris Kavadas

Just installed the specific extension. This is a page builder with no standard editor and is not supported by Route 66 at the moment.


Brendan Hedges
Hi Leftaris,

That's strange, as it used to work fine.

Anyway, thanks for checking it out. Maybe it's something you could work on?

Regards, Brendan

Lefteris Kavadas
Probably something changed on that extension. In any case, since the editors are applied dynamically if it worked before it was just by luck. Maybe it worked with existing articles which have the editor attached right from the beginning?


Brendan Hedges
Hi Lefteris,
yes, you could be correct.

I'm gonna make a new, fresh test site later today with both extensions installed and see if things work or not. it's possible the conflict could be caused by something else completely unrelated.

I'll let you know what happened.

Regards, Brendan

Brendan Hedges
Hi Lefteris,

Well, I installed a fresh Joomla with Pagebuilder CK and Route66 and sure enough, they don't play nicely together. Which is sad as I like both.

I'll have to think of plan C!

Thanks anyway,


Brendan Hedges
Just a thought, I wonder if the 'PRO' version will work?

"SEO content analysis for any page in Joomla powered by the famous Yoast SEO analyzer. This feature is only available in the PRO version"

Your sales pitch states the above.

Would I be correct in thinking the SEO analysis is done via the stored article/page in the DB once saved, rather than 'on the fly' as usual?

Regards, Brendan

Brendan Hedges
Hi Lefteris,

I've found a work around to get R66 working with Page Builder CK.
All you need to do is to set the default editor in the global settings of Joomla to none.
(Which would indicate it is a problem with TinyMPC.)

Then R66 works fine with the PBCK.

For me this is great as PBCK generates more Joomla standard articles than many of the other page builders out there. It even uses the standard Joomla article creation page layout.

Then upon save creates a native Joomla article, rather than a 'page' as other components make.

I would highly recommend finding a way to get R66 and PBCK to play nicely because of this. Maybe a collaboration between you 2 developers?

Regards, Brendan

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Brendan,

I want to thank you for your efforts and the great feedback you have provided on this issue.
If there is a way to make Route 66 work with this extension I will do it for sure.
Regarding the PRO version question, this is totally different. It's a standalone page in Route 66 component which allows you to analyze any URL of your site. It's not integrated inside an editing form. You can see how this looks by navigating to "Components" -> "Route 66" -> "SEO Analysis" on your Joomla backend.


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