#56 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Friday, 07 July 2017 12:24 EEST

Ian Saunders

Got the plugin working nicely, but when I do a search, the results page returns the following messasges:

Notice: Undefined index: virtuemart_category_id in [web root]/plugins/route66/virtuemart/rules/category.php on line 19

Notice: Undefined index: virtuemart_category_id in [web root]/plugins/route66/virtuemart/rules/category.php on line 45

Notice: Undefined index: virtuemart_category_id in [web root]/plugins/route66/virtuemart/rules/category.php on line 70

Please advise.

Lefteris Kavadas

Thanks for reporting this. We will fix this in the next release. Until then you can hide the notices by setting "Error Reporting" to "Simple" or "None" under Joomla global configuration.

Ian Saunders
Perfect, thanks.

Ian Saunders
I've spotted another issue (sorry) - the link to the second (and subsequent) pages of search results redirects to the homepage.
http://azeeda.com/?keyword=bread&start=24 (auto generated link for search result pages) doesn't work.

http://azeeda.com/?keyword=bread&start=24&option=com_virtuemart&view=category&virtuemart_category_id=0 (querystring values added manually determined by the url for the first page of search results) does work.

Do you want me to open a new ticket?

Lefteris Kavadas
Create a new private ticket ( or make this private ) and include site login credentials.

Ian Saunders
I've created a new one in case this one is of use to anybody searching.

Lefteris Kavadas
Great, let's continue on the new ticket. I am closing this one.

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