#585 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Ayhan Bayram on Friday, 03 July 2020 00:11 EEST

Ayhan Bayram
 Hi Lefteris,

if the canonical url is enabled in the k2 settings, i get 2 canonical tags in the header.
I disabled it. But route 66 (pro version) cannot tag the right canonical. For ex. this url:

k2 category is damenmode und no parent category assigned.

Canonical url:
<link href="https://kauf-auf-rechnung24.com/mode/damenmode" rel="canonical" />

But the items are also available on:

Canonical url:
<link href="https://kauf-auf-rechnung24.com/damenmode" rel="canonical" />

category url pattern is {categoryAlias}

FYI: The categories are assigned in menues and the menu structure for Damenmode is: mode/damenmode (mode is the parent menu for damenmode). Could this be the issue?

Following route 66 plugins are active:
Content - Route 66 SEO
K2 - Route 66 SEO
Route 66 - K2
Route 66 - Menus
System - Route 66 (last position)

What ive realized, if the k2 canonical url is active ill just get /damenmode as the canonical url. I sit possible do deactivate the route 66 canonical?

FYI: Enable custom SEF settings for K2 URLs is YES. Is that correct?

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Ayhan,

Since you have a menu item the correct URL is the one produced by the menu structure: mode/damenmode.
Route 66 will definitely respect the menu structure. Even if you have a URL pattern the menu is the one it looks first. But again Route 66 internally is using third-party components to validate URLs so this might be an issue with K2.

I recommend to take the following steps:

1. If you have menu items for all your categories (actually you should) then disable the Route 66 Categories URL pattern.
2. If you are using Route 66 to generate items URLs the you can also safely disable K2's custom SEF settings.
3. Update K2 to its latest version. There was a URL related issue introduced in a recent update and I guess it should be fixed now.

If the issue persists please create a new private ticket and provide administrator credentials so I can have a look.

Finally, you can disable Route 66 canonicals from the component options. You can even exclude some components from this feature.


Ayhan Bayram
Hi Lefteris,

with youre steps had the same issue.

What solved it:

- Route 66 Categories URL pattern: enable
- K2's custom SEF settings: Yes
- Route 66 canonical links: Disabled

Its weird, K2 creates the correct canonical. Im using the router_2.10.2.php. K" has problems with the newest router. In the following version you can choose which router (v1 or v2) you want.


Lefteris Kavadas
I am glad that you solved this. Probably something is wrong with the router.
I will have a more detailed look the following days.
Please let me know if something else comes up.


Ayhan Bayram
ill do! Thx Lefteris

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