#590 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Ayhan Bayram on Tuesday, 21 July 2020 13:11 EEST

Ayhan Bayram
 Hi Lefteris,

in the tag view the links are available with lower and upper case. For ex.


In the category view i get always the lower case url.

Is it possible to chasnge it?

Best regards,


Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Ayhan,

Just make sure that all your tags alias are saved in lower case in your database. From an SEO perspective this causes no harm as long as canonicals are used.
We could also add an option for that at the future to have Route 66 convert all URLs to lowercase.


Ayhan Bayram
Thx Lefteris,

solved it. Would be nice if you consider the "url to lowercase" for future updates.

Best Regards,

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