#597 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Wednesday, 29 July 2020 15:28 EEST

Dr folamour
 hi we have migrated to route 66 some week ago, and i saw time to time some error

for example

Original url who work :


new url i guess from route 66


give error 403

another user is complaning of 403 error randomly also on this article, (we dont face this issue and other don't also)


so i dont understood why,

any help is welcome if its route 66 related,


Lefteris Kavadas

The first URL for some reason is rejected by your server. Probably this is caused by your server setup. Try to shorten the alias of the article and see if it makes any difference. I tested some other links on your site and seem to work fine.
The second link works fine for me.
I also noticed that you are using a second SEO extension. I don't think that this is causing the issue but you can try disable it for a while and see if it works.
An other thing you can do is check Google search console for any errors.
Please let me know if changing the alias makes any difference.


Dr folamour
Hi Lefteris, thanks for your reply, i think the alias is too long where at 325 char far beyond the 256 limit, i'll will try another alias and keep you updated,

Of course we have many SEO extension, like EFSEO etc..., all these people seem work together, the only error we have are not really some error but are linked to structured data on AMP page,

meanwhile i will ask my host for the url in 403,

thanks a lot,


Dr folamour
we have more information about the error this is one in eventlog

[Tue Jul 28 19:26:28.118999 2020] [access_compat:error] [pid 19370:tid 139833477236480] [client] AH01797: client denied by server configuration: /home/clients/2fdc7e34e830276d49ad0c0504882e07/web/, referer: https://www.crashdebug.fr/quand-vous-verrez-toutes-ces-choses-partie-1-de-4

all started with route 66

what this access_compat:error

Lefteris Kavadas
Have you tried to make the URL shorter? According to the logs "client denied by server configuration".
If the issue persists please create a new private ticket and include FTP access so I can troubleshoot this. But I guess this has to do with the URL length and PHP/Joomla/Route 66 is not triggered at all in that case.


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