#610 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Monday, 31 August 2020 12:46 EEST

Jean-Marie Putz
 I just purchased the PRO version of Route66 and I tried to produce my first sitemap.
It seems to have been created as I find an URL with an XML file in te administration of Joomla.
But... How can I check what is in the sitemap?
I could not find any viewer in the app and if I look at the URL created, I just come to my home page and I cannot see anything from a sitemap.
I first have to check what it does with languages, images, videos etc... before submitting the map to search engines.

Thanks for any help you can provide

Lefteris Kavadas

The Route 66 generates a sitemap index which contains URLs to the actual sitemaps. You can open those URLs in your browser to see the actual content. Please check the content and let me know if you have any questions.


Jean-Marie Putz

Thanks for your answer...
I guess my message was not clear enough when I read your answer.
" if I look at the URL created, I just come to my home page and I cannot see anything from a sitemap." means I tried the URL and only came back to my homepage without any reference to any kind of sitemap...
here is the URL: https://www.travel-video.info/component/route66/sitemapindex/1.xml

Could it be that there is a conflict with another app like sh404SEF?

Best regards,

Jean-Marie Putz

Lefteris Kavadas

You are totally right now I understood your question. I guess that some third party extension is breaking the sitemap. Please create a new private ticket and include administrator credentials so I can have a look.


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