#613 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Friday, 04 September 2020 13:57 EEST

Peter Kjeldsen
 Hi again
I think I mad most work.
But if I activate Google page speed this Joomlashine easyslider do not work https://www.nordicdental.dk/da/microskop.html
I asked Joomlashine and they think route 66 Google page speed make a mess with tags?

User: Support
Code: Support1234


Lefteris Kavadas
It seems that the PHP parser which reads the markup thinks that a part of the slider javascript is HTML and messes up everything. I have disabled Google PageSpeed optimizations for now.
I need time to see if this is a PHP related bug or something else.
Thank you for reporting this.


Peter Kjeldsen
Ok, so I wait for your further news.
Have a nice day.

Peter Kjeldsen
What did you do, because now I cannot save module in Joomla?
It give this text.
I do not know if you swift something off???
Br. Peter

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Lefteris Kavadas
I didn't do anything. I was waiting for your response. You can verify this by checking the last login time for the user "Support".


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