#614 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Monday, 07 September 2020 11:42 EEST

Nicolò Damoli

I'm using your component in a project with virtuemart but I have a problem.
When I click from the menu, the urls of the categories/subcategories are correct, but when I hover them in the menu, not, the urls are like the url base system of Joomla/Virtuemart.

Just to be more clear, this is the situation:

Virtuemart url setting: {categoryAlias}
The url is correct: mywebsite.com/mysubcategory
But hovering the menu, my url is: mywebsite.com/mycategory/mysubcategory

This is not right.
How can we solve it?

Thanks a lot in advance.


Lefteris Kavadas

Route 66 is not changing the menu structure. If you want to change your menu structure you have to edit your menu.
Route 66 is building the links according to the patterns you have set but if it finds a direct menu link, it doesn't change it. The reason for that is that Joomla menu items give you full flexibility to build whatever URLs you like.
So, if you have already menu links for all your categories then you can just edit those links and make them look as you wish. In that case you don't need to set a URL patterns for categories in Route 66.

I hope it's clear. If not please let me know.


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