#629 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Friday, 16 October 2020 14:11 EEST

 I'm liking route66 but have a couple of questions.
For this page, https://www.ehcanadatravel.com/canada-cottages.html

1. When i add a single H1 tag, it tells me that there are more H1 in the doc. When there is only one.

2. Keyphrase in introduction: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph.
Tried everything, the keyphrase is most definitely in the first page.

3. Any thoughts on sobipro integration?

Please advise

Lefteris Kavadas

Regarding your questions:

1 & 2: Please create a new private ticket and include administrator credentials so I can have a look.
3. The PRO version has a feature which allows you to enter any URL of your site in order to perform the SEO analysis. This means that it works with any page/extension in Joomla. The drawback here is that the analysis is not integrated in the editing form, you have to update the content and then run the analysis each time. On the other side, using this method includes the modules output in the analysis which is a good thing.
Regarding the regular in-form analysis, it's only available for K2 and EasyBlog at the moment. We will consider adding this feature for SobiPro if it's doable.


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