#633 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Friday, 30 October 2020 15:29 EET

Hello there,

I'm trying out Route 66 for the first time after stumbling upon it.

Immediately I've noticed an issue with the Content SEO Analysis not being compatible with sh404sef (sh404sef is a very popular extension to manage URLs and SEO).

Problem #1 is the URL shown by the snipper preview:

sh404sef generates URLs based on their own configuration settings. Now, while this is not much of a problem with the Analysis itself (the article slug is also in the sh404sef URL, so the analysis is not affected), it's a bit inconvenient that the "green URL" shown inside the "Snippet Preview" is thus wrong and does not reflect the one generated by sh404sef.

However this is not a huge issue, the functionality still works fine, it's just a display issue.

What could be the easy solution: The easiest solution would probably be to turn off the display of the URL from the "Snippet Preview" if sh404sef is installed?

Problem 2 regards the SEO Title when using a Menu Item for the article:
I see that you have a built-in feature that checks if an article is assigned to a menu item. In that case, it gives you a message saying:
"This content is linked directly to a menu item which overrides the title and the URL of the page. If you want to change those properties you have to edit the menu item."

However, this sentence is not true if you have sh404sef installed. If you have sh404sef, the SEO Title will stay the article of the title even when you have a Menu Item assigned to it. Menu Items do not affect titles or URLs at all if you have sh404sef.

So the problem is that now, the "Snippet preview" in Route 66 "thinks" that the SEO Title and URL are being overridden by the Menu Item, but this is not the case if you have sh404sef.

So this means that the SEO Title will be wrong too.

What could be the easy solution: Now, for the SEO Title could simply be to add an option in the configuration like "Override Content Analysis with Menu Item? Yes/No", and setting it to "No" would revert to the default behavior of showing the article title (which is the same sh404sef does).

The ideal longer solution to both problems would be to add proper "recognition" that sh404sef is in use, and so show the correct SEO TItle & URL based on the ones made by sh404sef, but I'm not sure how difficult that would be, so that's why I suggested two easier "workaround" solutions too. Up to you :)

Let me know what you think!

Lefteris Kavadas

Thank you for the feedback you have provided. Having two extensions doing the same thing on a site is not a good idea. There would be conflicts. And adding support for a competitive extension makes no sense at all. I hope you can understand.
You could use Route 66 for your URLs also. If you need keep using the other extension then the only way to get the SEO content analysis work properly is get the PRO version. The PRO version allows you to analyze any page of your site based on the URL. So it uses the actual output in the front-end which means it will work with any other extension which modifies the metadata or anything else.
The downside is that this feature is not integrated in the article editing form. It's a standalone page in the backend where you enter the URL and get the analysis results.


Lefteris Kavadas

Thank you for the feedback you have provided. Having two extensions doing the same thing on a site is not a good idea. There would be conflicts. And adding support for a competitive extension makes no sense at all. I hope you can understand.
You could use Route 66 for your URLs also. If you need keep using the other extension then the only way to get the SEO content analysis work properly is get the PRO version. The PRO version allows you to analyze any page of your site based on the URL. So it uses the actual output in the front-end which means it will work with any other extension which modifies the metadata or anything else.
The downside is that this feature is not integrated in the article editing form. It's a standalone page in the backend where you enter the URL and get the analysis results.


Well, I'm not sure if sh404SEF and Route66 can be considered"competing, Route66 main/best feature is SEO Content Analysis which no other extension has, while sh404sef does URL management.

In my opinion, you may be losing tons of potential customers by not allowing sh404sef users to have a correct SEO Content Analysis (even with these couple of quick fixes that I suggested).

Sh404SEF is a very advanced URL management platform that has thousands and thousands of customers. So there are a lot of potential customers that you could have for your in-article SEO Content Analysis.

By not even trying to integrate your extension with it, you're pretty much disqualifying any of them from being able to use your great SEO Content Analysis (in-article) and discouraging them from being your customers as well.

Just my advice :)

Lefteris Kavadas
Thank you for your advice.


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