#64 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Saturday, 05 August 2017 16:39 EEST

Muk Cung
 Hi, cannot find canonical link on a website using a single language.
Please advise.

Lefteris Kavadas

Have you enabled canonical links in the plugin options? Is there a link to the page with the issue?

Muk Cung
It's been enabled: https://prnt.sc/g453li and the site still didn't have canonical tag on it.
Website: http://www.balidesignsolutions.com

Lefteris Kavadas
I see the canonical tag in your page.

Example: http://www.balidesignsolutions.com/services/sourcing.html .

What's exactly the issue you are facing?

Muk Cung
On homepage, there's no canonical tag.

Lefteris Kavadas
Route 66 works only for K2 Item pages. On top of that your homepage does not need a canonical link.

Muk Cung
Nope, it's available on Joomla article page as well, for example: http://www.balidesignsolutions.com/terms-conditions.html
Regarding canonical tag on homepage, SEO wise it's required. Can we have this option please....

Lefteris Kavadas
I know that it works for articles also. I have developed this plugin :-).

What i mean is that it does not work for article and item views. I don't think your homepage is a menu link to a K2 item or a Joomla article.

Muk Cung
Yup, it's Page Builder. So the plugin only work on Joomla native article and K2 menu type?
Have another website with the same issue: http://www.nikasbaliholidays.com/ the menu is pointed to Joomla article and it didn't have canonical tag on it as well (while other pages have it).
Please advise.

Lefteris Kavadas
As i wrote before you don't need canonical links to your homepage.

If you still insist to add it you have to hack Route 66. Edit file /plugins/system/route66/route66.php and change line 74 from:

 if ($this->params->get('canonical', 1) && $current != JUri::root()) {


 if ($this->params->get('canonical', 1)) {

Muk Cung
Based on a trusted SEO guide, it's required: https://yoast.com/rel-canonical/
I believe you should put an option for it or just make it like that if judging from SEO perspective as your users need Route 66 as SEO tool, nothing else.

Lefteris Kavadas
We will consider this for the next update.

If you don't want to hack Route 66 you can also add the code to your template:

if (JUri::current() == JUri::root()) {
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
$document->addHeadLink(JUri::root(), 'canonical');


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