#642 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Monday, 07 December 2020 12:33 EET

Vassili Ledin
We have bought Route66 extension and it looks brilliant!!!
Thank you for providing such a useful tool for webmasters.

However, I noticed a few, let to say, issues related to non-Latin content and I got some questions.

My website is in Russian and I noticed a notification in SEO tab.
Please have a look at the screenshot:

The keyword is: Кукольный домик
Its Cyrillic transliteration is: kukolnyj-domik
The transliteration is being generated according to the transliteration standards taken from the Russian localization file.
As I suppose, your plugin proceeds keywords and seeks the same word in slug/alias and does not count the situation with non-Latin alphabets.
I guess it would be better to use transliteration for better statistics results.
The second issue is there is a recommendation to add an outcoming URL to the content. But I already added it, so I have no idea why the plugin gives such a recommendation.


I'd like to get Route66 bar in the sidebar. I am using TinyMCE.
I go to options and select sidebar. Nothing appears. But it works with Form and Toolbar.
I noticed a module in the admin part without a position. Maybe I need to add a special position?

This is just an idea, maybe you will find it useful.
It would be great to add a crawler to determine broken links and display list of items (articles) that have broken links. Optionally a report can be sent to the site administrator.
It will save a lot of time and allow to take action asap and fix the broken URL in the content.

Thanks for attention.
Best regards,

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Vassili,

Thank you for the great feedback you have provided.
Regarding the slug issue, I will check and let you know.
In order to have the SEO analysis displayed on sidebar you have to publish the administrator module named "Route 66 SEO" to the position named "submenu".
Finally, regarding the broken links feature this is something that we will consider for the next major release.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Vassili Ledin
Hi Lefteris,
Thank you for your answer.
Could you verify slug for non-Cyrillic symbols? Maybe it's the same with Greek symbols too...

And one more question: another great advantage of WP is the ability to create a group of links (keywords with URLs) which easily allow referring articles to each other. Is there any plans to do something similar?

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Vassili,

I have made some progress regarding the transliteration issues. I have sent you an email with a private link to download the development version of Route 66.
If your site or article language is set to Russian, Route 66 will pass that information to Yoast SEO engine so it can handle better the content analysis.
Note that the transliteration performed by Joomla and Yoast are not exactly the same so some issues may remain.
Please make sure to clean the browser cache after installing this package. Any feedback is welcome!

Regarding the group of links, are you talking about the internal links suggestions? I will take a look, but at the moment we try to focus on Joomla 4 compatibility.


Vassili Ledin
Hi Lefteris,
I've tested dev version, but unfortunately, the issues described by me still remain.

> Note that the transliteration performed by Joomla and Yoast are not exactly the same so some issues may remain.
I am sorry, but wouldn't it be possible to make unification and use transliteration taken from the Joomla localization file?
I still get warning about slug-alias since Route66 does not understand transliteration

And there are two other problems:

1. I still see a warning that there are no outbound links. What is it? URLs to external sites or internal URLs within the same site?
2. Slav language feature.
To make it easier for you to understand I will use Latin alphabet to explain the idea:

1 cat = 1 kot
2 cats = 2 kota
3 cats - 3 kota
5 cats = 5 kotov
grey cats = serye koty
by grey cats = serymi kotami

I'd like to say the structure of our language shows different ways of words depending on the situation. Route66 warns that the keyword is changed while it is a feature and Google count it in the search index. Sorry if I explained it wrong.
In fact, we can use the same phrase:
детские коляски - detskiy kolyaski
детскими колясками - detskimi kolyaskami
детских колясок - detskih kolyasok
As you see, the phrase is a little bit modified, but it means the same and search engines counts it.
But Route66 warns there is an error. I do not know is there a solution in Yoast for this.


Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Vassili,

There are changes in the version I sent you. For example, when using the Russian language now it behaves a little bit better.
Before the modifications it was failing completely. Now it seems that it cannot work properly with accents. For example if you use as keyword "Кукольны домик" then the generated alias "kukolny-domik" passes the test. In order for this to work you have to set the site (or the article) language to Russian. Does it work for you?

Regarding your questions:

1. No, this cannot be done. But still differences in transliteration should not be important.
2. Outbound links are links from your website to a different website. I will check again just in case there is an issue here.
3. Yoast provides the synonyms feature for such cases. It allows you provide some synonyms to your keyword. We will consider implementing this at the future.

I have made a research and there are many people complaining about how Yoast handles the Slav languages. We always ship the latest version of Yoast SEO analysis tool so any improvements will always be available to Route 66.


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