#646 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Tuesday, 24 November 2020 11:24 EET

Adri Hessels
Is the content within Yootheme pagebuilder used?
This is really a big player for themes within Joomla & Wordpress.

If no, is this on the wishlist and planned of will it never be included?

Adri Hessels / NetSolid Sights.

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Adri,

For such cases we recommend using the URL based SEO analysis. Just navigate to "Components" -> "Route 66" -> "SEO Analysis" and enter the URL of the page in your Joomla site you wish to analyze.
I know it's not the same experience with having the analysis in the editing form but for many extensions like Yootheme pagebuilder is impossible to build the integration.


Adri Hessels
Hi Lefteris,

I was really enthousiastic about your tool, but 99% of my sites are made with Yootheme. That is a real pitty. If you have the possibillity to refund, that would be nice.

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Adri,

You can still use the tool even with Yootheme using the URL based analysis. The analysis tool is working with any extension/page in Joomla since it can analyze any URL of the site. For Joomla articles and K2 items we offer a more tight integration which displays the analysis tool right into the editing form. As I wrote before for most third-party components this is impossible to implement.

We do not issue refunds it is clearly stated in our terms of service. I also think that the product description is clear. In any case, If you are not going to use the extension what I can do is give you a subscription for one of our other extensions for free.

I am really sad that it didn't meet your expectations.


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