#648 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Andrew on Friday, 27 November 2020 21:34 EET

I created an article URL pattern of just {articleAlias} and that worked fine. But now I realise that I will be adding content with other categories so I changed the pattern to {categoryAlias}/{articleAlias}.

But none of my existing articles have changed their URLs, they are still using the original pattern, new articles are successfully using the new pattern.

How do I reset all the articles to the new pattern? I've tried clearing the cache and looking for somewhere the URL might be stored but can't figure it out.

Thanks for your help.

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Andrew,

The URLs are generated dynamically so they should change immediately when you change the pattern and clean the cache. Check that you don't have any menu links pointing to those articles. URLs of articles linked with a menu item are not affected by Route 66 patterns.


Thanks, it must be the menu items then, they happen to have the same name.

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