#683 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Monday, 22 February 2021 12:41 EET

Jan Buskens

I have 5 languages and for each language I have an Article URL pattern like this: nl/{articleAlias}. Of course the nl is replace with the correct language.

When I activate it, I get a 404 for every page that is not in the menu. The strange thing is that I see the correct URL when I hover over it ('http://creonis.be/nl/performantie' for example) but the URL where it finally lands is different ('http://creonis.be/performantie' in this case).

Any idea why this is?

I can't keep it activated because the website is live and half of it breaks when the pattern is activated.

Joomla version: 3.9.24

Kind regards.

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Jan,

You should remove the language tag from the URL pattern and let Joomla handle the this.
There are several options in the plugin named "System - Language Filter" which allow you tweak the behavior.
There you will also find an option named "Remove URL Language Code". So if nl is your default language, and you have this enabled, that's why you get the redirect.


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