#686 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Amar Guillen on Monday, 08 March 2021 17:27 EET

Amar Guillen

I just purchased your extension Route66. I use K2 for my content.

The purpose of this purchase is
- to use the canonical URLs.
- the SEO Analyzer.

I use SH404SEF for the rewriting of my URLs.

My website is multilingual: English and French. The default language French. For the French URLs, the language code is not displayed.
For the English URLs, the displayed language code is 'en'.

I have installed the extension on my test website before going to my production website. Nothing works.
It seems that your Route66 adds /fr at the end of each URL.

You can check the issue with this URL: https://migration.guillenphoto.com

Please would you help me to solve the issue?

Amar Guillen

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Amar,

Not sure if it is going to work since you use a different SEO extension. There might be conflicts.
Go to Route 66 component options and make sure that you set the option named "Redirects" to "Disabled".
Also make sure that you have not set any URL patterns in Route 66.
If you do this Route 66 will do nothing with your URLs and if there are no conflicts everything should work as before.
Note that Route 66 does not add the language code in the URL. This is done by Joomla.

Please let me know about this.


Amar Guillen
Hi Lefteris,

thank you very much for your reply.

I applied your recommendations.

Also in SH404SEF, I disable the options "Remove other canonicals".

But when I use Route66 in my website, the language code is added.
In French, at the end each URL I have fr.
In English I have en.

I made some screenshots but there is no way to attach them.
So please would check the following URL:

then click the menu 'Blog'. You will end to that following page:

Every time I click on a K2 article, the language code is added.

If I disable Route 66, it works well.

I hope you will find a solution.
I can give your access to the backend if you want.

Amar Guillen

Amar Guillen
Hi Lefteris,

Finally, I just found that K2 is offering an option to activate canonical URL.

So now, I just need Route 66 for
- SEO Scores and
- SEO Analysis.

So i disabled the option "Canonical URLs". But I am still having the language code at the end of each URL.

Any idea?
Amar Guillen

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Amar,

Have you followed the instructions I provided? It's not enough to disable URLs, you also need to ensure that you have set no URL patterns in Route 66 since you are using a different extension for that.
If you have no URL patterns then try to disable the plugin named "Route 66 - K2".

If you have done all the above and the issue persists, then create a new private ticket and provide administrator credentials so I can have a look.


Lefteris Kavadas
I have been working with Joomla since 2008 but this was definitely a good one!

The language code at the end of the URL is added by the "sh404sef - System plugin".
I changed the order of the plugins and it seems that the issue occurs only if "sh404sef - System plugin" is ordered before the "System - Language Filter".
Route 66 on the other side needs the "System - Language Filter" to be last in order. That's why it changes the order during installation.

So this is what caused the issue:

1. Route 66 placed the "System - Language Filter" last when installed.
2. The issue occurred.
3. We uninstalled Route 66 but the plugins order didn't change. That's why the issue continued even after we uninstalled Route 66.

I have modified Route 66 to not change the plugins order for now. I am not sure if I will keep it like that. Because it fixes the issue when using SH404SEF but it breaks Route 66 URLs.

In conclusion, that's why you should never use two SEF extensions at the same time.

Thank you for reporting this.


Amar Guillen
Hello Lefteris,

thank you very much for your time and your work.
I appreciate it.

In fact, I am very interested by:

- SEO Analysis
- Facebook Instant Articles.

For the different sitemaps, I am using jSiteMap.
For the SEF, I am using SH404SEF. I do want to remove that extension. It is much more that a SEF extensions. I am using alias, social buttons and more. It is a complete SEF solution.
For the canonical URLs I am using a K2 feature.
For Google Optimizations, I am using JCH.

What do you recommend me to do for my production site?

Are going to change the behaviour of Route 66?
If the anwser is no, I will ask a refund because I cannot use Route66.

If the answer is yes, should I wait a new release?

Please let me know

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Amar,

I added a simple check for users that use SH404SEF. If Route 66 detect SH404SEF then it does not change the plugins order.
This means that you should be fine using SH404SEF for URLs and Route 66 for SEO analysis and other features.
You don't have to wait for the new release the change is applied to your site.

Finally, just to let you know, we do not issue any refunds. It is clearly stated in our terms of service.


Amar Guillen
Hello Lefteris,

is the new release available for download?
I would like to update my production website?


Amar Guillen
Hello Lefteris,

if forgot to tell you that the website you work on was a test website.
I need the correction for my production website.


Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Amar,

Just sent you a download link to your email.


Amar Guillen
Hi Lefteris,

thank you very much.
I downloaded the file you sent me.
It works fine now. I have updated my production website. Everything runs smooth.
Thanks for all
Amar Guillen

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