#7 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Saturday, 25 June 2016 15:20 EEST

Waleed Sharo
1. In Route 66 - plugin setting page, there is no hint to use the brackets {}, so at first, I tried to use one of the given examples, like itemAlias but when I click save, an error message was shown:
Invalid pattern provided for "Item URL pattern"
I went then to the documentation page to realize that I should use {}.
So I suggest adding a hint to the end user to use brackets.

2. It would be great if you add Canonical URL support for content and K2. Currently, I'm using a free extension (Aimy Canonical http://extensions.joomla.org/extension/aimy-canonical) which is great, but still, I prefer your extension to have this functionality :)

Lefteris Kavadas

First of all i would like to thank you for your feedback.

I will add a hint to the pattern fields to make things easier.

Regarding the canonical URL support, it's already there. You should see the canonical tag added when the page is accessed by a URL which is different than the canonical.

Waleed Sharo
"You should see the canonical tag added when the page is accessed by a URL which is different than the canonical"

I don't see the canonical tag in the page source, I can see that when the page is accessed by mydomain.com/blog/item/6-article-item-title URL it will redirect to mydomain.com/article-item-title but there is no canonical tag in the page source.

I'm using {itemAlias} Item URL pattern, latest Joomla 3.5.1, K2 2.7 and Protostar template.

Lefteris Kavadas
When you are redirected to the mydomain.com/article-item-title you are actually using the canonical URL. If you access the page using a URL like mydomain.com/article-item-title?hello=world you will see the canonical tag added in the page source.

The recommendation by Google was to add the canonical tag only to non-canonical pages.

However as i read now at https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/139066?hl=en this has changed and now they recommend to add it in all pages.

I will update the extension so the canonical tag is always added.

Thank you for reporting.

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