#787 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Tuesday, 09 November 2021 11:04 EET

Glen Ewing
Hey all,

I'm on the free version and all was working fine until the latest Joomla update to 3.10.3 and Gantry 5 (Rockettheme).

I have (2) sections with drop down menus. Some of the sub items on the drop down menus go to anchors.


About (URL is "about")
Company (URL is "Company")
- Join The Company (URL is "Company#join")
- Workshops (URL is "Company#workshops")

The site is now pulling the current page and adding it to the URL. Even if the browser is in a different category. For example, I'll visit the About page, then mouse over "Company"/"Join the company" and the url comes out as (company/about#join) where it should be (company#join)

Joomla is current, template is current and everything else seems up to date. Any ideas on this fix?

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Glen,

I don't think this is related with Route 66. When Route 66 detects a menu item, it leaves it untouched skipping any processing. Can you please verify that this is caused by Route 66?
Is there a link to the page with the issue?


Glen Ewing
Hi Lefteris,

Is there a way to DM it to you?

Glen Ewing
Actually, I think I've found the solution. The links in Joomla were set as:



I've removed the (index.php) from the URLs and the menu is working as intended again.

EG of new ULRs


I'm not sure what the backend issue was here. It was fine before 3.10.3 and Gantry 5, so something must have changed. I'm posting this reply for others that may have the same issue.

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Glen,

I am glad that the issue has been resolved.
Please let me know if you need anything else.


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