#797 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Tuesday, 30 November 2021 10:42 EET

Haile Abebe
just for information, would there be an incompatibility in using Route 66 with RSSeo?


Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Haile,

In general, having two different SEO extensions may cause conflicts. However, you can give it a try.
It depends on the features you want to use. For example you can use Route 66 for SEO analysis and keep the other extension for sitemaps etc.
We have not tested Route 66 with the specific extension so I cannot tell for sure. But Route 66 allows you to disable some of its features if you don't need them.


Haile Abebe
RSSeo is limited in SEF URL rewrite when multiple categories are nested, I would like to use Route 66 only for URL rewriting and this for items that belong to nested categories, which plugin do you advise me to disable in Route 66?

Thanks again,

Lefteris Kavadas
Having two different extensions for URLs rewrite will probably cause issues.
You can try but I recommend to use only Route 66 for URLs. You can't use Route 66 for specific categories only. If you set a URL pattern for articles it will affect all articles.


Haile Abebe
maybe I misspoke, I will leave Route 66 to handle URLs rewriting and disable the rewriting on RSSeo side ... for categories also, only the first category for all categories will displayed, I tried and it seems to work…
Thanks anyway,

Lefteris Kavadas
Yes, having Econa alone handle the URLs should work fine.
In any case, please let me know if you have any questions or you need help.


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