#80 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Monday, 02 October 2017 14:18 EEST

Muk Cung
Hi, we use Route66 (1.2.4) with K2 (2.8.0) and Joomla 3.7.5 multilangunge website using Falang (2.9.2) and experiencing issue with item display (returned 404 error page) when Route 66 K2 plugin activated. We use the following URL pattern: {categoryPath}/{itemAlias}
Example link: https://www.mesinlaundry.co.id/en/products/laundry-equipment/aliseo/bathroom-accessories/architecto.html (category using URL pattern: {categoryPath}) and none of those items work and returned 404 page. That's a URL pattern that we want to use.

Please advise.

Lefteris Kavadas

Route 66 has only been tested with the Joomla core multi-language system, not Falang or any other third-party extension.

Since those kind of extensions are actually not compatible with the Joomla core multi-language system they should find a way to work with all third-party extensions.

In short, this is an issue of Falang, not Route 66.

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