#819 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by thanhle on Thursday, 20 January 2022 14:07 EET


I can't switch Pagination when plugin enabled
I have read a previous ticket with similar issue, and you have released an update to fix this error. I was upgrade latest version, but problem still here.
Can you tell me how to fix it?


Lefteris Kavadas
Hi thanhle,

Can you please provide more details? Pagination of which component? Is it for Joomla articles? Is there a link to the page with the issue?



I have a blog with multi sub category (I build with Joomla Articles)

Each subcategory have so much article, then bottom of them alway pagination.

If I turn on Route 66: I click to pagination to go page 2, 3... next or last, the page refresh but it's still in page 1.

If I turn off Router 66 (disable all plugin of this package): Everything work normal.

I was try with default template (Cassiopeia of Joomla 4) and my template(Helix Ultimate): problem are same.

Both of these templates are not overridden pagination.

Hope it's clear enough.
Thank you!

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi thanhle,

Just tested latest Route 66 under Joomla 4.0.6 and everything worked fine for me.
I created a category with 4 articles. I created a menu item to that category and set pagination to two articles per page.
Pagination worked fine for me. Can you please provide more details? Are you using any URL patterns in Route 66?


Yes, I config it like screenshot below:

Lefteris Kavadas
You are right I was able to reproduce the issue. If you don't want to wait for the update here is the fix:

File: /plugins/system/route66/lib/router.php
Add the following code in line 318:
				if (version_compare(JVERSION, '4.0', 'ge'))
					$q = $uri->getQuery(true);

					if ($q && count($q) && isset($q['start']))
						$this->vars['limitstart'] = $q['start'];


OK Thank you Lefteris Kavadas
I will try this solution now!

Great, it's work back to normal now. I also used the solution with the htaccess file to redirect from ?start=* to ?limitstart=* before got your solution.

Anyway, thank you again.

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