#828 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Graham Morris on Tuesday, 01 February 2022 11:51 EET

Graham Morris

Two problems:-

1. I have installed Route 66 on focuswebsites.com.au and it appears that Route 66 sees only the article on any given page. It does not see any of the content of any of the modules which means that it does not see the full page content as Google does.

2. This is a particular problem when a page does not contain an article as can happen with a template which uses the Gantry 5 framework and the Custom Page facility contained within that framework. A Gantry 5 Custom Page can be linked directly to a menu item without the presence of an article and, because Route 66 functions through articles, its functionality is lost. This is the case with any Joomla site which uses Gantry 5.

Perhaps I am missing something here.

Can you assist please.

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Graham,

What you are asking here is available only in the PRO version of Route 66.
The PRO version of Route 66 allows you to analyse any page of your site using just the URL. It works with the whole page output (component, modules and template) and it works with any extension since it's URL based.
Just note that this tool is not integrated inside the editing form. Here is how it looks like: https://www.firecoders.com/media/showtime/storage/2017/07/27/10/main/joomla-seo-yoast-url.jpg?1574162291

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Graham Morris
Hi Lefteris

Got it.

I appreciate the prompt reply.



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