#835 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Monday, 14 February 2022 11:59 EET

Bảo Hộ Lao Động Tốt
My sitemap only shows the homepage link as https, but the subsites show http.
Please help me. Thank you!

Bảo Hộ Lao Động Tốt
Sitemap not showing https. please help me

Bảo Hộ Lao Động Tốt
Where are you all?

Bảo Hộ Lao Động Tốt
The link is configured SSL server and redirects to https. However the sitemap shows http
This sitemap has an error
news sitemap not showing link
I'm having this problem, need to fix it soon. Thank you!

Lefteris Kavadas

Since your site is using HTTPS you have to enable it in Joomla configuration. Just navigate to "System" -> "Global Configuration" and look for the option named "Force HTTPS" under the "Server" tab. Set this to "Entire Site". This should fix the HTTPS issue.
Regarding the sitemap error, an update will get released today which will include a fix. Thank you for reporting,


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