#850 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Amar Guillen on Wednesday, 16 March 2022 16:20 EET

Amar Guillen

After installing the release 1.9.4 of Route66, the URLs are not correctly rewriting.

I am still under Joomla 3 waiting for the new version of K2 for Joomla 4.
Multilanguage website : EN and FR.
The default language is EN.

Please check the following URL: https://www.guillenphoto.com/fr/photos-d-art-abstraites-de-la-nature-incandescence.html

The following URL is displayed: https://migration.guillenphoto.com/en/?option=com_k2&view=item&id=2463&Itemid=3946. It does not exist: Error 404.

Please would you tell me if it is an issue or if there is something new I have to setup?

Thanks for your reply,

A. Guillen

Amar Guillen

I gave you the wrong URL. First I updated my production website. It was a mistake.
Usually, I trust your extension. This is the first time I have a such problem.

Here is the URL to check. This my test website:

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Amar,

Can you please create a new private ticket and provide administrator credentials and FTP access for your test site?


Amar Guillen
Hi Lefteris,

I hope that you are doing well.

I do not know if you have read my reply in the private ticket. Everything looks fine with your update on my test website. What you did corrects my issue.
When are going to deliver a new release to correct the problem I have with my Multilanguage website?

Looking forward to reading you reply,
A. Guillen

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Amar,

Just answered to the private ticket.


Amar Guillen
Hello Lefteris,
As I said in the private ticket, the version you sent me works fine.
I keep it in my production website.
I close the ticket.
Thanks for your prompt update and your time. I appreciate.
All my best,
A. Guillen

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