#854 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:43 EET

Salvatore Christian Parlacino
Is it possible to exclude one or some categories along with their subfolders and articles?

For example,
I have a site with many landing pages, many blog articles and many categories.
I have set "Route66 - Content"
Article URL pattern: {articleAlias}.html
Category URL pattern: {categoryAlias}.html
so as to have all the landing pages and their categories at the first level.
But I would like to exclude the blog category so as to leave the original path in the URLs. blog/courier/send-a-parcel.html without having to create the menu items of all blog articles.


Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Salvatore,

No unfortunately not. Any URL pattern you set is applied globally for all articles. Maybe you want to use the {categoryPath} or {categoryAlias} tokens in your article URL pattern.


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