#918 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Thursday, 04 August 2022 13:06 EEST

Matthias Heymann
Hi there,
I have the free version of route66 instelled on a J 3.10.10
Uploaded the url to Google, who came back with an error (cant read sitemap, HTTP fault 403)
I uploaded /en/component/route66/sitemapindex/1?format=xml
According to a post here, I checked the actual sitemap with the following url:
<urlset> </urlset>
Whats wrong?
Thnks and regards from Germany

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Matthias,

You need to submit the sitemap index URL. This is the URL that Route 66 provides in the "preview" column in administration area.
For example I discovered two sitemaps in your site:


Just keep one of them and edit it to include the desired menu items and articles. After that submit it to Google search console. It knows how to handle it.


Matthias Heymann
Deleted the sitemaps in Google, edited one, uploaded, same result.
 Sitemap konnte nicht gelesen werden
Allgemeiner HTTP-Fehler

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Matthias,

Can you please share the exact URL you submitted?
If it’s working in our browsers but Google can’t read it then this might indicates that your server is blocking access to Google bot.

Do you use any special access rules in your web server setup?


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