#920 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Friday, 26 August 2022 12:21 EEST

webfeuer - Mag. Bauer
I created an article URL pattern with {articleAlias} and it leads to a 404 error. If I delete the pattern the normal joomla route would be /ctaegory-alias/article-alias, but I want to remove the category.
It does not seem to work with route66

Lefteris Kavadas

Can you please ensure that all Route 66 plugins are enabled?
Does this issue occurs for all articles?
Is your Joomla installation up to date?


webfeuer - Mag. Bauer
Joomla is 4.1.5, plugins are enabled.
I just tested the free version, before I buy it, because I need a certain url structure to keep old links after an upgrade from a very old website.

the strange thing is I the first article I tried leads to a 404, others from the same category are working.
what could this be?

the article works fine without route66

webfeuer - Mag. Bauer
it is weird, I changed the alias of this article and now it is reachable. I changed it back to the old alias and I get a 404

webfeuer - Mag. Bauer
I crawled the site with screaming frog and was able to reduce the 404s from over 200 to now only 23 with the help of your extension. there are however some 404s that I just can not explain. they have exactly the same structure and are not reachable unless I change the alias

webfeuer - Mag. Bauer
and btw there is an error with the VIES service. My VAT-number does not validate

Lefteris Kavadas
What's the alias causing the issue?

VAT validation is provided by the official EE VIES validation service which sometimes may be down for maintenance etc.
If the issue persists please let me know.


webfeuer - Mag. Bauer
the alias ist afghan-star. I changed it to afghanstar and made a redirection from the not working url with the joomla redirect component, so that's fine for now. But I dont't understand, why it does not work with the initial alias...

The VIES validation won't accept my VAT number although it is correct. When this is working I will buy the extension!

Lefteris Kavadas
Can you please check for any unpublished/trashed menu items or articles with the same alias?

webfeuer - Mag. Bauer
wow, you are right. there was an article in the trash! it is working fine now! I would buy immediately, if my VAT number would be accepted

Lefteris Kavadas
VIES validation should be working fine now. I made some tests and everything seems fine. If not please let me know.
Thank you for reporting this.

webfeuer - Mag. Bauer
Yes, it works! And I bought it!

Lefteris Kavadas
Thank you for your support!

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