#959 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Ian Shere on Wednesday, 09 November 2022 21:46 EET

Ian Shere
LOVING this extension and how it kick Google errors in the butt!!! :-)

I have one client who adds a bunch of content from the frontend and we ran into an issue which doesn't come up when adding or editing articles in the admin. He tried to add an article from the frontend (regular Joomla article) and also tried editing an existing one. When doing so he got *and I confirmed) a "Too many redirects" error. I turned off "Redirects" under Options | URLs and this fixed the issue.

Is this expected/normal behavior?

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Ian,

I am glad to hear that you like Route 66. This behavior is not normal, can you please provide some more information? Which Joomla version are you using?
Thank you for reporting this issue.


Ian Shere
This is an older 3.10.11 site (have yet to upgrade it)

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Ian,

Joomla 3.10.11 is not an old release. I tested under Joomla 3.10.11 too and I was not able to reproduce the issue.
I was able to add and edit an article while having redirects enabled.
Can you please share the URL patterns that you are using?


Lefteris Kavadas
I deleted your last reply because you shared the credentials in public. This is a public ticket.
You are highly recommended to change the password you shared.
After that, create a new private ticket and share there any login information.


Ian Shere
Bah - what a dork! :-) PW changed. I'll open a private ticket.

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