#964 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Andrew Cox on Sunday, 04 December 2022 18:34 EET

Andrew Cox
Hi Firecoders,
I have an active subscription for Route 66 Pro on my Joomla-Virtuemart webshop.

I need to upgrade to PHP 8.0 as soon as possible and to VM 4.0 next year. Is Route 66 Pro already compatible with these upgrades?

Thanks in advance

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Andrew,

Route 66 is already compatible with PHP 8.0. We made some short tests with Virtuemart 4 and we found no serious issues.
We are already working on Virtuemart 4 compatibility so the next update of Route 66 should be fully compatible.


Andrew Cox
Thank you Lefteris. That is good news.

I have another question please:
We are happy with the Route 66 Pro performance on a small VM webshop with about 100 products. But have noticed that it can take a variable time, ranging from a few minutes to a few hours, for it to process a unique URL or redirect on a page that has been edited (we are only talking about VM product and category pages)In the meantime we get 404 errors for the edited page. It is not a huge problem because it always seems to work out eventually. But I wonder if this is normal or is there something we can do about it?

At the end of December (when there is less traffic to the site) we will enable Route 66 Pro on another VM webshop that has around 800 products, so it potentially could take several hours for all the new unique URLS and redirects to be processed and the 404s to stop occuring.

Any thoughts or tips you can offer are welcome!



Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Andrew,

Can you please clarify? What do you mean by process? Are you talking about Google? Any changes you make to the product URL should be applied immediately. If it's not, then this might be a caching issue (Joomla cache, Sever cache, CDN or your browser's cache).


Andrew Cox
Hi Lefteris,

I meant changes to product URLS. Thanks for the idea - I will check for cache issues.

Best regards,


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