#984 Posted in ‘Route 66’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Tuesday, 17 January 2023 11:05 EET

I've just downloaded Route66 and have been testing it on our test site. I've read the documentation but I am still having an issue getting it implemented. I just want our links to be mydomain.com/articleAlias so I have entered {articleAlias} in the Article URL pattern field and have left Category and Tag URL Patterns empty which should disable them. The URL that is being used is the Main Menus alias and it is ignoring the articleAlias. What am I doing wrong?

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi John,

You are not doing anything wrong, menu items take priority over Route 66 URL patterns. This is applied on purpose because menu items give you more flexibility.
If you unpublish the menu item of that article the URL pattern will work.


OK I see. I'd just like the rticle URLs to be the same without unpublishing menu items.

Lefteris Kavadas
I have to clarify that you only have to unpublish the direct menu item to that article. But if you have already a menu item then you can make the URL look as you wish without Route 66.
Do you have an example of the article URL you want to change?


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