Hi Lefteris,
thank you for your answer. I am happy to hear that you are willing to integrate the ordering feature.
I solved it otherwise. I made a custom module for each gallery with a custom layout and then load the modules in the order I want to have them. So our client cannot add new galleries by himself but I think this will be ok.
If you are working on a new major version, I have another feature request. Would it be possible to add the gallery title (or the article title if the custom field is used) to the folder where the gallery is stored, e.g. 05-gallery-title-slug.
So you could easier find a gallery and in the article choose maybe the preview version of the first picture as intro image. Now where the galleries are only saved with the ID, it is difficult to find the correct gallery.
I already changed the helper.php and save the title in the folder (would have been smart to use the Slugify Function of the Joomla Core ;-)) and that works as long as no one changes the title of the gallery. Then nothings works anymore, because the folder title doesn't get changed.
I would really like to have this feature and get rid of my core override.
Thank you