#1134 Posted in ‘Showtime Image Gallery’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Thursday, 21 December 2023 12:00 EET

Uwe Zeschke
 Trying to add more images to a published gallery in the "Galleries Edit" function , I get the error "Error: XHR returned response code 0"
What could be the reason?

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Uwe,

Does this occur with a specific image or with any image you are trying to upload?
Can you please try with some different images and let me know?


Uwe Zeschke
Hi Lefteris, it occurred with different pictures. My solution: I deleted all pictures and uploaded all again, including the new ones. That worked.

Lefteris Kavadas
Is there a chance that your login session was expired? Otherwise it's really weird that it worked without any changes.

Uwe Zeschke
I had opened different administration menu items before, so the session could not have been expired.

Lefteris Kavadas
I am closing this ticket now. If you face this issue again please create a new private ticket and provide administrator access so I can troubleshoot this.
Thank you for your feedback.


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