#1168 Posted in ‘Showtime Image Gallery’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Tuesday, 05 March 2024 06:10 EET

Sigrid Gramlinger
maybe this is realted to ticket #1164, because I think this already worked before.

My users created articles in the frontend and the backend.
If they create and article with intro image and CF showtime image gallery and save it, everything is fine.
Then I open the article again later and change the category then in the backend my image gallery is lost.

I think this worked before.

Best regards

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Sigrid,

Is the custom field assigned to all categories? Custom fields can be assigned to specific categories so if you select a category that does not include the field it is normal that data is lost.


Sigrid Gramlinger
yes, the custom field is assigned to "all" categories.
But still the images are lost, when changing the gallery.
in the frontend and in the backend.
I also have other custom fields that are only for specific categories, but the gallery is for all.

Best regards

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Sigrid,

I am not able to reproduce the issue. Please create a new private ticket and provide administrator credentials so I can troubleshoot this.


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