#1172 Posted in ‘Showtime Image Gallery’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Monday, 11 November 2024 11:25 EET

We use Seblod 3 CCK with a Joomla!3 website.
We want to use it in Wysiwyg Seblod fields.
We can insert a gallery in an article until we save we can see the inserted gallery like it should be.
As soon we save the item we only see the widget code tag.
In the frontend we can see the gallery.
We have set the plug-in at the bottom of the content plugin list.
Any idea about this issue ?

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Nicolas,

Showtime is making use of the core Joomla plugin events in order to replace the code tag with the UI inside the editor.
The plugin event that Showtime is using is:

Most extensions trigger this plugin when loading a backend form. I suggest to ask Seblod developers about this.

You may also create a new private ticket and provide FTP access to your server so I can take a look but having a response from Seblod developers would be better.


Thanks I was thinking of this trigger too. I'm surprised this event is not triggered because it seems many plug-in use this one for forms. Do you know if Joomla! offer a way to check what plug-in is hooked to a specific event with some echo schenanigan ? (Prestashop have a visuel help on this for example but Joomla! not)

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Nicolas,

No I am not aware of a way for checking this. I can take a look at the source code of Seblod but I suggest to wait for an answer from the developers.




We come back for this issue.

We forget to say it was from frontend edition.

  • We have have try from fresh (J!5) frontediting : showtime plugin works fine in the form.
  • We have try again on our J!3 website not from Seblod this time but from "com_content" article editing. We have the same issue : after just inserting we have the "plug inedit/delete UI" but after saving we only have the {showtime #} code.
    We have set the content plugin at the top but no change in editing.

Any idea ?

Lefteris Kavadas

Hi Nicolas,

Just tested on a local installation and I cannot reprodude this issue. This works fine for me both in Articles under Joomla 3.x and Joomla 5.x series. 

Are you using the latest version of Joomla 3.x and Showtime Image Gallery?


Of course sir !

As said I agree it's working on fresh website (from there you could say it's really your problem, I agree ^^)

I was thinking the issue was related to Seblod front Forms mechanism but because I have the same issue with com_content I'm starting to think we have an issue elswhere and I'm not sure how to debug this. I never had in 15 years to debug some events related bug. Where can I put some "hello world" to understand what is loaded or not.

Lefteris Kavadas

Hi Nicolas,

The most obvious thing to check is that the plugin "Showtime - Content" is enabled. But I am pretty sure you have done this already. So my guess is that a third-party extension (a content or a system plugin) is breaking the plugins execution chain.

I recommend to try disabling some third party plugins until you find the one that's causing the issue. If you don't manage to figure this out, you can create private ticket and provide administrator credentials and FTP access so I can give it a try.


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