Hope you are okay!
I'm currently running version of showtime gallery on my joomla site, and I'm aiming to get a subscription and upgrade to 1.7.0
I have notice however what it seems to be a significant flaw on the design of showtime gallery, when checking the space (media/showtime/storage) on my hosting site, it looks like each gallery is composed of 4 folders:
The folders "main" and "source" contain exactly the same size of pictures, intrinsically duplicated pictures, thus taking a load on the hosted space. I've compressed all the pictures but still the galleries, when we consider that main and source are exactly the same folder, take a lot of space
Is the newer version of showtime gallery coded better? preventing duplicated folders for each gallery? It would be great if instead of 'main' and 'source' we could have only one folder, thus reducing space
Please let me know if possible if the newer version 1.7.0 have addressed this issue. I don't want to increase my billing in hosting space just because the showtime gallery duplicates the pictures contents per gallery!
Thank you