Hello Firecoder Team,
I am experiencing an issue when using the Showtime Image Gallery component with the UT Goodnews template. The component and plugin work perfectly with the Joomlart template on my site. Even when I select the UT Goodnews template, the gallery is displayed correctly.
However, when I choose "uBlog" as the menu item, the gallery does not load, and instead, only the shortcode is displayed, e.g., {showtime 1}
Additionally, when testing the component on a local quickstart installation of the UT Goodnews template, I encountered the following error:
Warning: Cannot declare class \Joomla\Component\Fields\Administrator\Plugin\FieldsPlugin, because the name is already in use in C:\laragon\www\gn\plugins\fields\showtime\showtime.php on line 20
I have recorded the error and am sending you the error screenshot/log file for reference.
Could you please check if this is a compatibility issue with the UT Goodnews template, or if there is a way to resolve this conflict?
Thank you for your time and assistance!
Best regards,