I didnt want to order it if its not going to work the way i needed it to. Does it follow this method when creating a gallery in an article?
and most importantly
THIS IS ALL DONE IN ONE WINDOW, not multiple windows of my browser, correct?.
I think i had this component before but i lost my username as well as the email account i was using
- I open an article (backend) to edit it
There is an editor button to click which opens the SHOWTIME gallery window
The new window open is ON TOP of my article in EDIT mode
In this secondary layered window, i can create a new album and then UPLOAD images into it
Once the album is created, i SAVE IT and click another button which INSERTS it into my article
The SHOWTIME window is closed
My article editor window is still open but now showing on my screen
There is an inserted SYNTAX which shows the contents of that particular album
I can now save my article
and most importantly
THIS IS ALL DONE IN ONE WINDOW, not multiple windows of my browser, correct?.
I think i had this component before but i lost my username as well as the email account i was using