#429 Posted in ‘Showtime Image Gallery’

Latest post by Jip JJ Jonker on Friday, 07 June 2019 12:51 EEST

Jip JJ Jonker
Hi! We us the latest jQuery version in our template. We also would like to use Swipbox for our renderer. But it seems there is a big that causes Swipbox not to work on newer versions of jQuery.

More info:

When we change the jQuery version in our template to 2.2.1 Swipebox works fine. But as I said, on jQuery 3 it doens't work OK.

There seems to be an issue with the selector. But it seems there's also a solutioin available.

When I use the jquery.swipebox.min.js from the Github issue P it works fine. So maybe you could also add this version to ShowTime?



Kind regards,

Lefteris Kavadas

We do not use development versions. When there is an update we will add it. Until then you can change the file manually on your own. As side note, changing the jQuery version is quite risky. We strongly recommend to use the version that is bundled with Joomla. I know it's too old but this way you will avoid conflicts like this one.


Jip JJ Jonker
OK, thanks. I'll think about what version to use on our sites. We can easiliy select a version using jQuery Profiles (plugin). Most of the time I try to use a current version, but with the risk of breaking somethings that rely on older versions. We mostly don;t switch versions after the production fase so most issues come to light in the stage. I do think using a newer version might prevent future issues with newer extensions. But maybe I should not worry about that to much ;-)

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