#434 Posted in ‘Showtime Image Gallery’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Tuesday, 18 June 2019 11:50 EEST

Rashmideva Veldhuizen
 Dear people,

How do I arrange that the photos shown in the Slideshow become a lot smaller ?

At the moment they are shown so large that I have to scroll the webpage a number of times.
Can you tell me where / how I can reduce the size of the presentation?

With thanks,
11juni 2019

Lefteris Kavadas

By default the layouts take all the available space. So if you place it inside a large container, it will get displayed large. You need to write one line of CSS code to fix. Please provide a link to the page with the issue.


Rashmideva Veldhuizen
Hello Lefteris,

you can vieuw it here: https://44a.nl/index.php/home-2.html


Lefteris Kavadas
Normally this should be handled by your template. In any case, here is what you can use in your CSS:
.showtime-slideshow {
    max-width: 600px;
    margin: 0 auto;

Just add the above code to your site's CSS. Please let me know if you need more help with this.


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