#581 Posted in ‘Showtime Image Gallery’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Tuesday, 23 June 2020 22:48 EEST

webfeuer - Mag. Bauer
my client wants the images in the popup to be max 500px width. I set the main image in the gallery to 500px, but that is not the setting for the fancybox, right?
Where can I set that?

Lefteris Kavadas

The dimensions at the options have to do with the actual image size, not the display size. The display size has to do with CSS. Fancybox ( and almost any other lightbox) usually will try to take as much space as possible.
If you provide a link to your site then I can provide you with the required CSS code. But this is not a good practice since you will have a fixed with of 500 pixels on all devices.


webfeuer - Mag. Bauer
If you take a look here:

I got all images from my client at 500px width and they got blown up to 2000px from showtime.
I asked already if he has them in a higher resolution, that would solve the problem.

But I don't understand why showtime don't keeps the original size

Lefteris Kavadas
Showtime has an option for setting a maximum size for uploaded images. This is feature that was requested from many users. The problem is that there is an issue currently which upscales images even if there is no need to do so.
We have fixed this issue already for the next update.
At the moment you can either disable that option or I can send you the development version which solves the issue.


webfeuer - Mag. Bauer
ah! so if this is disabled, I would have to reupload the images and they would stay at the original size?

Could you please send me the dev version or tell me how I can disable it?

webfeuer - Mag. Bauer
thank you, found the option. Now they stay at the original size

webfeuer - Mag. Bauer
I really love this extension, I find it is the most convenient gallery out there and use a lot. I also recommended it at Joomla User Group Vienna and Joomla Day Austria (I am one of the organizers).
Thanks for this extension and your support!

Lefteris Kavadas
You are welcome. Thank you for your good words. If you have the time a review is always welcome :-)

By the way, when the update is out you can enable this option again in order to save disk space on your server.

Please let me know if you need anything else.


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