#738 Posted in ‘Showtime Image Gallery’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Tuesday, 27 July 2021 12:08 EEST

Jip JJ Jonker
We noticed that we can not add an name/title when we create a new gallery using the content plugin in the article editor. Is there a technical reason for this? Would it be hard to add this? (feature request) I would suggested a text field for the name / title and a select with existing categories to select from?

Kind regards,

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Jip,

There is an option for displaying the title field in editor integration. It's named "Title Field in Editor Modal" and you will find it under Showtime Image Gallery component options.
We thought that selecting a gallery category when you just want to add a gallery inside an article would be an overkill. But if you think this is useful then we might add an option like the one with the title.


Jip JJ Jonker
Ah great! This is what we were looking for. Thanks.

Category: In some situation that might be useful. In my experience most users don't categorize the galleries since they only use a couple of galleries on the site. But we have some users that might benefit from the categories.

But in the case of users having a lot of galleries and maybe menu items we would advise them to just use the component interfaced to upload galleries.

So I think a category selection in the editor plugin is useful to only a select number of users. But if adding it is not that hard, the option would maybe be useful to some users.

For us this is not a huge wish. Just a nice-to-have ;-)

Lefteris Kavadas
We will consider this. Thank you for your advice.


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