#900 Posted in ‘Showtime Image Gallery’

Latest post by Ronny Buelund on Monday, 06 June 2022 19:50 EEST

Ronny Buelund
When togling the editor on/off in a Showtime gallery field - it works randomly! Sometimes the editor toolbar comes back, sometimes not...

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Ronny,

Can you please share some information about your setup? (Joomla version, editor type and version).


Ronny Buelund
Joomla 4.1, tinymce editor

Ronny Buelund
The problem was first that it all of a sudden was not possible to write into the editor window. The cursor could not be placed in the window. Toggling the editor of then made it possible to write. But then one could not toggle it on again !?

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Ronny,

There is a chance that this is caused by a browser add on.
Can you please try in incognito mode and see if you get the same behavior?
I am not able to reproduce this issue until now.


Ronny Buelund
Hmmm.. now it seems to work again?? Can this be something server based in regard to the ajax calls ??

Lefteris Kavadas
No, there are no ajax calls made when you toggle the editor (at least for TinyMCE).

If this happens again please take a look at the browser console for any messages and let me know.
If it's possible, create a new private ticket and provide administrator credentials so I can also try to reproduce the issue.


Ronny Buelund
I will do that. Thank you.

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